Telecommunication masts, telecommunication towers, and telecommunication solutions from Scanmast are in use across Scandinavia, and are among the most well-regarded products on the market. Everything from cellular stations in city centres to more remote sites in forests and rural land. We help customers with their telecom projects – from vision to finished and connected product.
In recent years, Scanmast has manufactured, delivered and erected thousands of telecom masts and towers for the Swedish and Norwegian 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G networks. In addition to a large number of mobile operators, Scanmast works with the Swedish Transport Administration, municipalities, electricity companies and other public clients.
5G is the mobile network of the future
2020 saw the global roll-out of 5G, and all operators will gradually upgrade their networks to support 5G. Scanmast has several large 5G contracts in both Sweden and Norway and, in the coming year, will be at the forefront of expanding the mobile network of the future.
5G will increase speed, reduce latency and have a greater capacity than the previous mobile networks. Another difference between the 5G network and the previous mobile networks is that the radio unit is located up on the mast, instead of down in the equipment cabinet. The antennas are also bigger, and the power cables are narrower. This results in better technology, but places higher demands on masts and towers.
In parallel with the deployment of the 5G network, the older 2G and 3G networks will be dismantled.
Building brand new masts and towers
In addition to adapting masts and towers for new telecom solutions, Scanmast is building entire new masts and towers, known as greenfields. We deliver the mast, erect it and install the technology. When we leave, there is a ready-to-use, fully functional mast connected to the operator’s network. Scanmast delivers by far the most greenfields in Sweden.
From vision to completed project
When you hire Scanmast, you get a partner who both manufactures and delivers. We do everything from start to finish, which means we have superior expertise when it comes to telecom masts, towers and the entire process. With us, you get a single point of contact – and we take care of everything.
A contract with Scanmast covers all the elements in a project:
- choice of construction sites optimised for the area
- acquisition of permits and licences
- agreements with landowners or property owners
- manufacture
- delivery
- installation and commissioning
- adaptation
- maintenance
- inspection and safety checks
- documentation
- upgrades
- dismantling and recycling.
Fäll ihop ⌃
Scanmast har byggt framtidens flygledartorn
Telecom: Scanmast har byggt framtidens flygledartorn på flera platser i landet. Det tidigare systemet med flygledare högst uppe i tornen har blivit ersatt av Alta-torn från Scanmast utrustade med kamera och annan telekomutrustning. Efter flera års tester […]
Axevalla travbana fick hjälp av Scanmast
Telecom: En av Sveriges mest kända travbanor, Axevalla travbana utanför Skara, beslutade att förbättra anläggningens belysning. Då anlitades Scanmast som levererade och monterade totalt 38 Delta-torn till nya belysningen.
Kontroll av master i hamnar
Telecom: Många belysningsmaster i svenska hamnområden är lite ”bortglömda” och är i värsta fall i behov av renovering. Scanmast kan anlitas för att kontrollera skicket på masterna och komma med förslag på åtgärder.
Kontroll av Telias master och torn i Norge
Telecom: I Norge kan klimatet vara tufft, med regn, snö och hårda vindar. Riktiga utmaningar för de master och torn som finns ute i terrängen. Scanmast fick uppdraget när Telia ville veta skicket på sina master och torn.
SAFETY ALL THE WAY - Contact us and we will help you!