Product development
The story begins in Mora in 1929, when inventor and engineer Anders Wikstrand came up with a way of making ladders out of thin-walled steel tubing. Since then, we have continued to develop new products with the same high quality. We always start from your needs and wishes, and can create new solutions based on adaptations to our standard towers and masts.
Our products often need to be adapted according to specific needs and wishes, and sometimes completely new products have to be developed. This is handled by our engineering team.
Our standard products
We develop and optimize our standard products according to the latest Eurocode requirements so that they are in compliance with current standards and requirements for masts and towers. We also improve our products using newer manufacturing techniques and materials.
New solutions and customisations
With new drawings and calculations, we develop effective solutions, with custom media structures, foundations, installations and components for mounting technical gear on masts and towers. We use our standard products as the primary components and develop custom solutions for your specific purposes. The adaptations can concern media structures, portals, sign carriers or other special solutions where a truss construction forms the basis of the construction.
We have helped develop various kinds of media structures for cabling, piping, walkways, etc., but also poles with bars for power lines for electrified trucks – to name a few examples of entirely new solutions.
Calculations are important
When developing new products or adapting existing ones, strength calculations are fundamental. In product development, our engineering staff collaborates closely to ensure that new solutions are up to the task at hand.
Get help from us from start to finish
With the right preparations, careful planning and precise calculations, project execution is easier and more efficient, as fewer adjustments need to be made on site. This is why we are always happy to help you from start to finish, from design, documentation, calculation and drawing preparation to execution.
Scanmast har byggt framtidens flygledartorn
Telekom: Scanmast har byggt framtidens flygledartorn på flera platser i landet. Det tidigare systemet med flygledare högst uppe i tornen har blivit ersatt av Alta-torn från Scanmast utrustade med kamera och annan telekomutrustning. Efter flera års tester […]
Setra Trävaror fick hjälp av Scanmast
Energi och infrastruktur: Setra Trävaror i Skinnskatteberg, med ett sågverk som har anor från början av 1900-talet, fick problem. Deras katakomber började vittra sönder och skulle rivas. Scanmast fick en viktig roll när det gällde att lösa problemet.